I have restarted this note about seven times already, because, in total honesty, there aren’t enough words – or the right words – in my vocabulary to really truly express the profound, sacred, expansive, life and love bringing power that Lynda IS in my life. I feel when we talk, and when I get to listen to her next-level wisdom and insight, that I am IN life, like at it’s core, it’s delicious juicy messy gnarly sticky fragrant potent core. That’s where we get to hang out when we are with Lynda. I think she’s saved my life, I know she’s helped me start to really truly love myself, to untangle and start to melt away the disillusionment and crazy mind prisons I was operating in, and helps me understand more about why I am who I am and why I am here right now on this planet. She is also insanely funny and real. I thank my lucky stars I get to zoom with Lynda each week.