- Diploma in Hypnotique Protocol Esoteric Hypnotherapy
- Certified HypnoSuccess Soul Coach
- Bachelor of Health Science (complementary medicine)
- Diploma of Medical Herbalism
- Diploma of Naturopathy
- Diploma in New Zealand Flower Essence Therapy
- Registered Practitioner, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®
- Certificate in Healers Studies (1-year program)*
- Certificate in Shamanic Studies (2-year program)*
- Certificate in Advanced Shamanic Studies (2-year program)*
Enter into the mystical realms of astrology, tarot, oracles and metaphysics with me. Shift into a different space in your mind to access inner truths that are best revealed in sacred space by a seasoned and grounded guide. ‘Woo-woo’ this is not. I proudly walk in the footsteps of the wise women, seers, crones and mystics of the past. I listen to the trees and I listen to the bees. This planet we are on is the realest thing in existence – the Sun and the Moon are real; the planets and distant stars are real; the geometry of our journey through space is truly magnificent and yes, we are made of the same stuff as ‘out there’. When we consult the oracle, or the chart, we are entering a 4th dimensional realm, a realm of vibration, creation and information. This is shamanic work – we walk between the worlds. The world ‘out there’ of substance, corners and matter and the world ‘in here’ of sensation, inspiration and dreams. Your subconscious and superconscious minds are a treasure trove waiting to be explored. We utilise tarot, astrology and oracles as intermediaries between those two worlds to help us navigate an ever-challenging landscape of life in the 21st century. Sessions are $100 for an hour and include a complementary bottle of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand®.
N.P. writes…
I come to Lynda every year on my birthday for a check in and a Solar Return report. She is so thorough and really ‘reads’ the chart. We tune into it together and I really get a sense of the priorities for my year and the cosmic support that is available to me.